Safe, Loved . . . . . . . Learning

We believe that the very best way to strengthen America is to create a system of educational choice where parents choose their school as freely as they choose their church. Freedom of choice is fundamental to success.

Homeschooled children outperform government schooled children on standardized tests - a fact not emphasized in mainstream media.

The reason is obvious: parental control.

ICONIX educational programs are based on the same Biblical values the founders considered when designing our Republic. Government schools are dangerously confused. ICONIX adheres to Biblical truths that do not require contortionist logic to justify.

Integrating church culture with solid common-sense curriculum delivered using the latest and most effective neuroscientific instructional methods allows parents to fulfill their most important obligation.

Humans are dual-natured beings. We are both physical and non-physical — the latter, more definitive. The body is ruled by Newtonian physics, the mind defies constraint of both space and time. We instantaneously “see” our way through space and time with no regard to Newtonian constraint. Mind, in the image of God, is the defining feature of each man, woman and child.

Education is the last thing that should be entrusted to government bureaucrats.

Schools where parental control is a fact not a fiction, work best. ICONIX provides educational service directly to our customers — parents. We know who our customers are and we know how to satisfy them. Quality always speaks for itself. Each family has unique needs and circumstances that only they define.

We are here to help.

Our mission is to help parents do a better job educating their children in the setting of their choice. We offer a great deal of experience and expertise, but parents define the scope of our work. We are here to help all the way from helpful pointers to full scope instruction.

Copyright 1994 - 2023 ICONIX. All rights reserved.