Safe, Loved . . . . . . . Learning

In order for instructional expertise to be relevant, students must first be safe and loved.

Successful endeavors arise from cultures of engagement where participants are involved by choice, where good works are paramount, good relationships abound, and behavior is motivated by mission, not through rule-based constraint.

Such cultures satisfy the needs of participants, are enjoyable, and merit is naturally and honestly recognized.

ICONIX understands that to build a culture of engagement, servant leadership is required.

Our mission is to serve.

In physics, Chaos Theory posits that systems with the fewest constraints operate with the greatest efficiency. As it is in physics, so it is in community efforts.

ICONIX Culture of Engagement is built on our country’s founding principles derived from God’s natural law of individual sovereignty and choice. Every participant, student, teacher, proctor, leader, and most of all parents, understand that each of us is entirely responsible for our own choices and behaviors. No one chooses for us; we are not victims!

Our happiness and the quality of our relationships flow directly from the choices we, and we alone, make. We choose what we think and what we do, our emotions and physiology inseparably follow those choices. Sometimes it only takes a bit of information to change everything.

A parable illustrates the point.

A bus rider observes two young unruly children jostling and disturbing elderly passengers while their father sits passively taking no corrective action. The observer becomes agitated as the children’s behavior worsens. His blood pressure rises until he finally confronts the passive father asking, “why don’t you control your children?” The father vacantly responds, “we have just come from their mother’s funeral, I haven’t the heart.”

Information changes everything. The observer’s anger immediately turns to compassion, he changed his mind. Blood levels of catecholamines (neuropeptides of anger) are replaced by oxytocin (neuropeptides of empathy), his blood pressure drops, and makes a heartfelt offer to help.

We choose what we think and what we do, our emotions and our physiology inseparably follow. Our behavior does not arise from our emotions, our emotions instantly arise from what we choose to think and do.

ICONIX uses imagery to create long-term memories of important lesson content. The “behavior car” is one such image.

What we choose to think and do, defines our emotional life and even our physiology.

In physics, Chaos Theory posits that systems with the fewest constraints operate with the greatest efficiency. As it is in physics, so it is in community efforts.

ICONIX Culture of Engagement is built on our country’s founding principles derived from God’s natural law of individual sovereignty and choice. Every participant, student, teacher, proctor, leader, and most of all parents, understand that each of us is entirely responsible for our own choices and behaviors. No one chooses for us; we are not victims!

Our happiness and the quality of our relationships flow directly from the choices we, and we alone, make. We choose what we think and what we do, our emotions and physiology inseparably follow those choices. Sometimes it only takes a bit of information to change everything.

A parable illustrates the point.

A bus rider observes two young unruly children jostling and disturbing elderly passengers while their father sits passively taking no corrective action. The observer becomes agitated as the children’s behavior worsens. His blood pressure rises until he finally confronts the passive father asking, “why don’t you control your children?” The father vacantly responds, “we have just come from their mother’s funeral, I haven’t the heart.”

Information changes everything. The observer’s anger immediately turns to compassion, he changed his mind. Blood levels of catecholamines (neuropeptides of anger) are replaced by oxytocin (neuropeptides of empathy), his blood pressure drops, and makes a heartfelt offer to help.

We choose what we think and what we do, our emotions and our physiology inseparably follow. Our behavior does not arise from our emotions, our emotions instantly arise from what we choose to think and do.

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